About us

I believe that your company’s people are an asset not a liability. And that’s why I immediately saw the potential to use Digital Credentials as a very simple, tangible way to recognise peoples expertise and experience.

My name is Stephen Buckley. I am a Management Consultant and have practiced with Price Waterhouse, PWC and IBM. I have been a resource manager and managed resource & workforce managers across the globe. I know only too well the challenges in finding the right person for a particular role – determining who has a particular skill. Then, from a capacity management viewpoint, how many people do we have with that skill.

Working with my colleague and friend, Freek Tanis, we developed many global credential schemas for IBM some of which you can see in the portfolio highlighted on the home page. The schemas included ones for Industries, Enterprise Design Thinking, the Consulting Profession and various Consulting Practices including Testing, Blockchain, Cognitive, and Automation. I developed ways of integrating credentials into Promotion Criteria, Career Paths etc. I also worked with groups across IBM to use credentials for more challenging subjects such as Cultural Change (The IBM Way) and Eminence. I learnt what badge earners like and value, and, in the early days, what really did not work!

After retiring from IBM, I decided to continue working in this area – I love helping clients create engaging and compelling credentials that people want to earn and share. Credentials that clients can embed in their process and really help the grow their business.

Get In Touch

If you want to learn more about digital credentials and their potential, please get in touch.