
We help organisations design and implement credentials that really count. Contact us to see how our services can help you use credentials.


I’m Stephen Buckley, a human resources consultant specialising in digital credentials and founder of Digital Credentials Ltd. I am based on Anglesey, in glorious north Wales. 

I believe that your people are an asset not a liability.

To learn more…

What’s a Digital Credential?

A digital photo taken on a camera or phone, has an image but also lots of other information (~ metadata) baked into it… A Digital Credential is similar

How Does it Work?

A digital credential is a digital badge or certificate…

…it has an image and when you click on it, you get lots more information – or metadata – such as who earned the credential, what they had to do to earn it, who issued it and so on. Because its digital everything is “clickable” – so its easy to find out more.

Digital Credentials came from work that the Mozilla Foundation sponsored in 2011. The idea being to develop an open standard that could be used to recognise and share a persons experience, expertise etc. That’s the genesis of the Open Badge Standard.

I like to think of digital credentials in terms of a badge. The good thing about a badge is that everyone understands how they work – its simple, you find out the criteria, complete them, prove what you have done and whoever owns the badge, awards you your badge which you can proudly display.



These are some of the Digital Credentials I helped design whilst with IBM.

IBM Automation Practitioner - IBM Global Business Services Foundational
Banking Silver - Industry Insights & Solutions - IBM
IBM Blockchain Essentials V2 - IBM Blockchain Foundational
Blue Core Coach - IBM Peer to Peer Development Advanced
Cognitive Practitioner - IBM Global Business Services Foundational
Core Consulting Skills - IBM Consulting Profession Intermediate
Enterprise Design Thinking Practioner
Banking Silver - Industry Insights & Solutions - IBM
iOS Design Essentials - IBM Global Business Services Foundational
The IBM Way - IBM Global Business Services Foundational

Get In Touch

If you want to learn more about digital credentials and their potential, please get in touch.